Spiel: Miley Cyrus Dress Up 2

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Spiele für Mädchen - GameGirly.com


Abgegebene Stimmen:  42 .  83.33%  mögen das Spiel.
Abgegebene Stimmen: 42 . 83.33% mögen das Spiel.
Beschreibung Miley Cyrus Dress Up 2:
You have to dress Miley Cyrus for her next music video! As you probably know, Miley has been trying to stand out from the crowd lately. This famous singer loves to use her clothes, hair and makeup to stand out from the crowd. Believe it or not though, she’s run out of ideas! She has tried out so many looks that she no longer knows how to surprise her fans. Can you help?

Spiel Anleitung:
Mouse = Select clothes


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